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John Coltellaro, MS, ATP
John is a United States Air Force Veteran who has been working in the field of Rehabilitation Engineering since 1990 with a focus on direct service delivery to individuals with disabilities. John is a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Rehabilitation Science & Technology at the University of Pittsburgh and assessed individuals for computer access, worksite modifications, and ECUs through the Center for Assistive Technology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. John holds a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering, a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and an Associate’s Degree in Electronics Technology. He has been a member of RESNA since 1990, and was ATP (Assistive Technology Professional) certified in 1997.
Note: Faculty for this activity have been required to disclose all relationships with any proprietary entity producing health care goods or services, with the exemption of nonprofit or government organizations and non-healthcare related companies.
* No conflicts have been disclosed.
Computer Access/Applications is a term usually used to refer to a specialized group of hardware and software designed to enable individuals with a wide range of disabilities to use a personal computer. The two primary areas to be addressed for effective computer access are: mouse operation (i.e. pointing and clicking) and text entry, in addition to the variety of commercially available products will be examined. Computer applications/programs specifically designed for individuals with Polytrauma will also be explored. Computer access/applications can facilitate a return to work, or school and can provide a means to produce written output and/or to access printed materials. Lastly, in terms of implementation a few case studies will also be examined.
Learning objectives:
Upon attending this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify commercially available alternative mouse options
- Recognize some of the commercially available means of text entry
- Describe at least 2 programs/applications designed to assist individuals with learning disabilities that include head injuries and visual deficits
- Identify key factors to consider when recommending a computer access solution

CEU Registration and Program Cost
This presentation is now dated and is no longer eligible for CEU distribution. It can be viewed free of charge for educational, informational, and historical purposed, but viewers will not receive CEUs.
The University of Pittsburgh, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences awards Continuing Education Units to individuals who enroll in certain educational activities. The CEU is designated to give recognition to individuals who continue their education in order to keep up-to-date in their profession. (One CEU is equivalent to 10 hours of participation in an organized continuing education activity). Each person should claim only those hours of credit that he or she actually spent in the educational activity.
The University of Pittsburgh is certifying the educational contact hours of this program and by doing so is in no way endorsing any specific content, company, or product. The information presented in this program may represent only a sample of appropriate interventions. ). Each person should claim only those hours of credit that he or she actually spent in the educational activity.

System requirements and testing your computer
Before viewing a Web seminar, it is recommended that you test your computer and browser compatibility.
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The University of Pittsburgh, as an educational institution and as an employer, values equality of opportunity, human dignity, and racial/ethnic and cultural diversity. Accordingly, the University prohibits and will not engage in discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or a veteran of the Vietnam era. Further, the University will continue to take affirmative steps to support and advance these values consistent with the University's mission. This policy applies to admissions, employment, access to and treatment in University programs and activities. This is a commitment made by the University and is in accordance with federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations. For information on University equal opportunity and affirmative action programs and complaint/grievance procedures, please contact: William A. Savage, Assistant to the Chancellor and Director of Affirmative Action (and Title IX and 504 Coordinator), Office of Affirmative Action, 901 William Pitt Union, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, 412- 648-7860. |