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SS4 The ISS Morning Show: Today’s Hot Topics in Wheeled Mobility

Program ID Number: CRS000691
CEU Course ID: P275.15
Webinar Length of Time: 1.0 hour

Link to view the lecture presentation:

Host, Kendra Betz and today’s special celebrity guests, Mike Boninger, Stephen Sprigle, and Sharon (Pratt) Sutherland.

Today’s show features headline stories and unfolding drama in the world of wheeled mobility and seating. Our highly revered celebrity guests will share their experience, insightful analysis, and expert opinions on international front-and-center issues, such as “Wheelers Are Walking With Exoskeleton Robotic Technologies, “Science and Policy – Do You Really Think There’s a Link?” and “Bottom Line Education and Training Needs Around the World.” Along with the stimulating discussion with our special guests, interactive participation from our “live studio audience” will be strongly encouraged.

Learning Objectives:



Kendra Betz, MSPT, ATP
Veterans Health Administration
Washington, DC
United States

Kendra Betz is a PT and RESNA ATP with more than 20 years of rehabilitation experience, specializing in spinal cord injury, assistive technologies and adaptive sports. Kendra works for the Veterans Health Administration national program office for Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders. She holds an adjunct faculty position at the University of Pittsburgh, teaches at national and international forums, and is recognized for her support of Veterans and military personnel with severe disabilities.

Michael Boninger, MD
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
United States

Michael Boninger is Professor and Endowed Chair in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine and Director, UPMC Rehabilitation Institute. Boninger is a physician researcher for the Department of Veterans Affairs and has an extensive publication record of well over 200 papers that include a focus on spinal cord injury and assistive technology. Dr. Boninger has won numerous awards, including being elected to the Institute of Medicine in 2013.

Stephen Sprigle, PhD, PT
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
United States

Stephen Sprigle is a biomedical engineer and holds a license in physical therapy. He is a Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, holding appointments in the Schools of Applied Physiology and Industrial Design and the Graduate Bioengineering Program. Dr. Sprigle directs the Rehabilitation Engineering and Applied Research Lab, an applied disability research lab with interests in the biomechanics of wheelchair seating and posture, pressure ulcer prevention, standardized wheelchair and cushion testing and assistive technology design.

Sharon Sutherland, PT
Seating Solutions, LLC
Longmont, CO
United States

Sharon Sutherland (Pratt) is the owner of Seating Solutions, LLC that offers a wide array of clinical rehab services as well as clinical education in the field of complex rehab, seating & mobility. Sharon has specialized in the field of seating, positioning and mobility for the past 26 years. She offers clinical consultation to clients, clinicians and manufacturers worldwide and has given over 800 presentations related to the topic of seating and mobility.


  1. Fineberg DB, Asselin P, Harel NY, Agranova-Breyter I, Kornfeld SD, Baumann WA, Spungen AM. Vertical ground reaction force-based analysis of powered exoskeleton-assisted walking in persons with motor-complete paraplegia. J Spinal Cord Med. 2013 July; 36(4):313-21.
  2. Hostak RS, Edwards D, Sprigle S. mobilityRERC state of the science: How science influences public policy in seating and mobility. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2013 Nov; 8(6):447-53.
  3. Fliess-Douer O, Vanlandewijck YC, Van der Woude LH. Most essential wheeled mobility skills for daily life: an international survey among paralympic wheelchair athletes with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Apr;93(4):629-35


Updated | 08.19.2015